Hawkins Power-8 5 Amp Universal Taper Charger
Product Description
The Hawkins Power-8 is a domestic battery charger designed to meet market requirements for low cost automotive battery chargers.
Product information
- Power-8 is made from high quality materials and components.
- Two indicators the front panel. Orange indicator shows that charge is being delivered to the battery while the green indicates a fully charged battery.
- Power-8 charger delivers its rated current at the outset and then tapers slowly down as the battery reaches full charge. The Power-8 will continue to trickle charge the battery past the nominal 13,8V of the fully charged battery.
- Must be monitored periodically to prevent gassing and overcharge.
- Hawkins Power-8 is not automatic and therefore not recommended for sealed batteries unless the charge voltage is monitored and the charger disconnected when the battery terminal voltage reaches 14.4V (when the green light turns on).
- The Hawkins Power-8 is locally manufactured.
- Conforms to SABS IEC 335-2-29
- Input Voltage: 230Vac
- Battery Voltage: 12Vdc
- Charge Current: 5,2Adc
- Dimensions: 190/95/85mm
- Weight: 1,95Kg
Hawkins battery chargers offers a 2-year warranty and a Standard Repair Cost per product if it is less than 10 years old.